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Tower and Town, March 2021

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Editorial: Music And Worship

I remember a former vicar of ours preaching a sermon using the then popular Double Diamond advert I'm only here for the beer as his text, but adapted to I'm only here for the hymns. His point was that a lot of people go to church for a good sing-along, and come away quite probably humming a good tune rather than remembering the more important message of the sermon.

So my challenge to our principal correspondents this month was in a way to confound that notion, and to show how for them music is an integral part of faith and worship, and that far from distracting from the message music actually enhances it. What is fascinating is how personal their responses have been, showing how for them in a particular place at a particular time and in a particular way music was and is in fact the key to their own spiritual understanding.

Stephen Skinner takes us through his Methodist Wesley-inspired upbringing. Michael Reynolds marvels at the richness of the musical experience. Christopher Rogers remembers the impact Bach had on him. Stuart Laing retells times in different places when music meant so much. Rod Cleasby tells how music has been an inspirational foundation to his own faith journey. Pete Sainsbury shows the integral link between music and worship. My thanks to all of them for rising to that challenge and sharing special memories and moments with us.

Elsewhere Sue Tulloh has drawn up a 'Top of the Pops' of sacred music - you will all have your own versions but this list may encourage you to look a bit further afield. And then there are lots of goodies to warm the cockles of your heart as we exit winter and look forward to a better year.

David Du Croz


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