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Tower and Town, April 2021

  (view the full edition)


Under the shadow of lockdown, with teenagers across the country confined to virtual learning, a 'Form' class of Marlborough College pupils spent part of this Lent term studying the History of Marlborough. This was somewhat ironic, considering they were learning about their school and town while they were, in most cases, at home far away.

'Form' is taught to the first year Shell (Year 9 pupils, aged 13-14) at the College. The broad focus is on three combined humanities subjects: English, History and Religious Studies. It aims to develop creativity, curiosity and independent learning. It is the basis for intellectual growth and sharing of ideas.

While studying the history of Marlborough, pupils explored and researched areas such as the town's Neolithic beginnings, Merlin's Mound, the Medieval Castle, the Royal Charter (1204), the Statutes of Marlborough (1267), the Ordination of Thomas Wolsey (1498 in St Peter's Church), the Battle of Marlborough (1642), the Great Fire of Marlborough (1653), the Seymour Family and the Castle Inn. They have also studied the history of the College, its Masters, buildings, landmarks and distinguished alumni.

This edition of Tower and Town focuses however on the Shell Year's perceptions of Covid.

Mike Bush


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