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Tower and Town, April 2021

  (view the full edition)

Hard Times

In Marlborough town during the time of Covid
Everyone must ensure to wear masks
Causing minds to become eroded.
Students of the college forbidden from usual tasks
Everyone's brains being re-encoded
Everyone asks, 'Why can't we unmask?'

Not long ago everything was fine
People getting on with life as normal
The future of a person's life would shine
But now everything's abnormal!
The town once had a great castle
With mighty kings controlling this place
Where once stood lots of grazing cattle
Now a virus causing all this hassle!

Marlborough town is mighty!
So, everyone must power on
Bearing loved ones tightly
Money may start to be gone
But make sure to look ahead brightly
Soon this will be all over
There will be a big celebration
The citizens of Marlborough will take back over
Soon everything will be splendid
And hopefully all will be mended!

Anthony Breeze


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