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Tower and Town, April 2021

  (view the full edition)

Covid's Consequences

There is a disease
Called Covid-19
It spreads when you sneeze
But there is a vaccine.

It's affecting everyone
And we must stay inside
To protect a loved one
As many have died.

Friends are on our screens
During online school
As we can't get vaccines
And we can't overrule.

Suffocated by masks
Washing our hands
Overwhelmed by school tasks
Ruined summer plans.

Waitrose is packed
Full of panicked people
Toilet roll not lacked
It could reach up the church steeple!

The high street's deserted
Feels like a ghost town
Everyone's diverted
Most shops are closed down.

Stuck behind our screen
Nothing to do
Messed up routines
It's devastatingly true.

We dream of seeing friends
Inside our home
Instead, they're through a camera lens
Using Google Chrome.

There is a disease
Called COVID-19
Sadly, no one's at ease
While COVID'S on the scene.

Hattie Sharp


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