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Tower and Town, August 2021

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Town Councillor and Mayor: Lisa Farrell

I became a town councillor in 2013 because the elderly and young families in Marlborough had nowhere they could afford to shop on their low incomes. They had to catch the bus or a taxi to Asda or Tesco in Swindon which I knew put a strain on their budget. So in 2008-9 I led a campaign to bring Tesco to Marlborough with so much support of the people from Marlborough. I then thought there is more I could do if I joined the council.

I never thought for one moment that I would become Mayor but I had great support from the councillors around me. I found it very hard at first as I felt I did not fit in because I was from a single parent family and lived in social housing, and I had dyslexia and learning disabilities. I was also working full time. It was the most nerve-wracking experience of my life. It was so hard to walk into rooms when I didn't know anyone. But it is good to get out of your comfort zone. And I wanted to prove that if I could do this then I would hope it would prove that anyone could do it, no matter their background, if they worked hard; it also helped that I love the place I grew up in.

I was very nervous at the Mayor-making. There is a list of people you should invite. But I felt that I needed to invite kids I have worked with; they haven't had it easy but they were proud of me being Mayor. I also had people who supported me from Tesco and I wanted them there but there was no more room in the town hall that night so I had a party at the night club straight after the mayor-making. The councillors walked there with me which made me so proud so they could all see us in our robes. It all worked really well.

If you love somewhere and feel passionate about it you want to contribute. Kids inspire me, they're so cool and the elderly around me are so inspirational. It's nice to have people thinking my Mum would be so proud of me (I'm sure she would be shocked too) and to have the backing of local people from people who I grew up with to people whom I've never met before. I tried to start a youth council to get the young people from the town and the college together. I really want to bring the town and the schools closer together; there is too much that is said that is so untrue. They got on so well. I invited the Jubilee centre people to Marlborough College for lunch. I asked them what was their favourite lunch and I would ask the chefs to cook it for them; they asked for fish & chips. They were so excited; it was beautiful to see.

Being Mayor had some surprises. I got to know certain groups who helped me to support my youth work and I could open doors for people around me. I saw other parts of the town I had no clue about - like Wye House Gardens! I saw a lot more about Marlborough especially when I volunteered during Covid lock-down and how we all come together to help one another. I really hope this will continue; we have a beautiful town with beautiful shops which we need to support.

It was great when it stopped but I'm up for it again. I became Deputy Mayor on 12th April so I will be Mayor next year. I have more confidence to go forward, to get the community to work together and get people to talk about what they want.


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