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Tower and Town, November 2021

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The Impact of the Covid Crisis: Results Day 2021

I believe that this pandemic has left its mark on me, but not in a wholeheartedly bad way: remote learning allowed me to learn independence when it came to absorbing information, the lack of outside activities allowed me to get back into reading (a thing I would do feverishly when I was younger) and not seeing my friends and family allowed me to appreciate them that much more when we were finally able to see each other again. Despite all of this, I did find it hard, and wearing and lonesome, much like most of the people in the country (and the world).

The road to GCSEs was always going to be tricky, but I always thought it would be do-able, like riding a bike or breaking in new shoes (difficult and sometimes painful, but easily enough overcome with a little perseverance) however, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that they would be disrupted to such a great degree as they were. The mere thought of a global pandemic had barely infiltrated my 14-year-old brain let alone been thought of as a possible reality. Hence the Coronavirus was something that really scared me when it first came around, being something that I had not spared a single thought about in the past. Nonetheless I could still cling to the idea that it would stay in Asia, a far away story to keep us alert but not alarmed. Unfortunately, that is not the way it happened, and school went online...

I'll admit I was nervous when results day came along. I guess I didn't know what to expect. After two years full of disruption and disaster, I think my mind struggled to accept that maybe, just maybe, something good had come out of it. Thankfully, all of my hard work came together in the end, and resulted in me being very happy with my results, so maybe every cloud does have a silver lining after all?

Frankie, Year 12


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