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Tower and Town, February 2022

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Editorial: Some Remnants Of History

This is Francis Bacon's definition of 'Antiquities' - or perhaps if he were around today he would say 'Events from the Past', which in his words have "casually escaped the shipwreck of time".

Does Bacon perhaps do less than justice to researchers and teachers of history, who take pains to verify and establish reliable historical narratives, and to bring plausible interpretations to their readers and audiences?

Take Nick Fogg's book Forgotten Englishman, which gives an account of the life and times of Thomas Stephens, a 16th century Roman Catholic from north Wiltshire, who worked all his adult life as a missionary in Goa. For me, Nick's excellent book reveals much about the collisions in this country between Catholics and Protestants and between Christianity and Hinduism in India. There was more certainty and less tolerance in religious matters then, though there are perhaps different lines of battle drawn today.

Look especially, too, at the hugely thought-provoking pieces in Bishop Andrew Rumsey's English Grounds where his encounters with various places in the Wiltshire landscape (and elsewhere) provoke him to wide-ranging and stirring reflections on their history and significance, and especially on the nature and place of Christian faith. Last autumn Bishop Andrew read passages from his book at its launch in St Peter's Church and - movingly - sang his own songs with guitar accompaniment.

In this edition the main articles have been kindly contributed by leading members of the Marlborough History Society. Do come to a meeting. Do join us. You will find details of the February meeting inside.

John Osborne


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