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Tower and Town, October 2022

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ARK Healthy River Tips 2022

Use water wisely

All our water comes from the chalk aquifer that feeds the river. If you use less water there will more left in the river to keep it flowing. Try to take short showers and shallow baths, check if you have a leaky loo. These are some easy wins and if you are on a water meter you will save money too.

Don't mow right to the edge

If your garden backs on to the river keep a 'buffer zone' between the bank and mown land. Well established tall plants above ground create a strong root structure below the ground. This means a strong river bank held together by roots, which reduces erosion and creates a good habitat for wildlife.

A buffer of riparian vegetation slows down surface water runoff, catching sediment before it reaches the river. Sediment clogs up gravel riverbeds and prevents wild fish from spawning.

Leave Watercress in the river

This native plant naturally narrows the channel in times of low flow. The flow is then faster, keeping the water oxygenated and the gravel riverbed clean. Watercress also provides a refuge for small fish and invertebrates, it's also a favourite food for water vole.

Keep your compost heap and grass clippings away from the river

Compost heaps are good, but not near rivers. As grass clippings and plant matter break down, they leach nutrients into the watercourse. High nutrient levels promote algal growth, which smothers healthy green aquatic plants and leads to eutrophication. Put your compost and grass clippings as far from the river as you can.

Never throw garden waste into the river,

this is simply littering and will pollute the water and could cause obstructions, leading to flooding.

Septic tanks.

If your property is on a septic tank make sure it is well maintained and opt for phosphate free cleaning products. Septic tanks can't remove phosphate, which is a pollutant for rivers. You can reduce phosphate levels by buying household cleaning products that are phosphate free.

Slow the flow

Look for ways to catch and slow water through your garden. This will allow water to slowly filter into the ground, recharging the aquifer with clean water, and keeping our river flowing for longer. See p.8 for more Rain Garden information.


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