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Tower and Town, October 2022

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Marlborough's Own Wild River Reserve

Walking through town there are lots of opportunities to enjoy the Kennet, including The Priory, Cooper's Meadow and The Waterfront Garden.

A few minutes' walk beyond the High Street on the eastern edge of Marlborough is the multi-award winning Stonebridge Wild River Reserve, a 15 acre water meadow (jointly purchased in 2011 by ARK and Marlborough Town Council) and land north of the river, which ARK leases from the St John's Foundation Trust.

The site is managed to be a place to preserve and enhance the rich biodiversity, where people have the opportunity to be inspired and enjoy a high quality natural environment. There are also lots of opportunities to volunteer and get involved. We want the community and visitors to the town to witness the amazing diversity of wildlife in and around a chalk stream. At the beginning of 2015 Stonebridge Wild River Reserve became an officially recognised Wildlife Site.

A healthy chalk stream supports a thriving and unique natural environment and is home to iconic British species. Water vole, kingfisher, otter, brown trout and many other species are present at the reserve. The surrounding habitats are equally important too; several years ago we discovered our mixed native hedge planting and wetland creation were supporting a population of harvest mice!

This year the first orchid was recorded, which is a good indicator that the conservation grazing area is heading in the right direction.

Recently we ran a corporate volunteering day for a local business, the team restored the two gravel 'beach' areas, which have been created to allow easy access into the river for those wanting to explore and paddle. By focussing river use at these points we are leaving space for nature to go about its business undisturbed in between.

Following the creation of a wetland in 2015 we installed a recycled plastic boardwalk and dipping platform to improve access and enjoyment of this new habitat. The wetland cleans road surface runoff that before the wetland was going straight into the Kennet.

The Town Council grounds team play an important role, they maintain the circular walk in the water meadow and mow sinuous footpaths within the other areas; they also empty the bins and remove the litter our volunteers clear from land and river.

Each autumn we run community Snake's head fritillary bulb planting days, this year it will be Saturday 15th October 11am -3pm. Everyone is welcome to help for as little or as long as suits.


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