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Tower and Town, October 2022

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Volunteering For Ark

I've always loved rivers. When I first looked for caddisfly at the age of eight, who knew I would return to it so many years later? With more time on my hands, it seemed an ideal opportunity to volunteer with ARK. Having enjoyed working with others in teams I wanted to find something where I could be part of a group. When you spend the day restoring a river bank with 10 to 12 like-minded individuals it's hard but enjoyable work and there is banter a plenty.

The other concern about stopping work is how to keep your brain active. In the last 3 years I've learned how to conduct a water vole survey, riverfly monitor (checking for pollution) and spot brown trout nests (redds). I also regularly support ARK's educational outreach; I help young children learn about what they can find in their river. Last year ARK worked with 1,453 children!

There is a wide range of tasks you can get involved with and the tasks are always well organised.

As a volunteer you get to work on some lovely stretches of river and I send my daughter's photos of 'my office' for the day.

Zoë Cliffe


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