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Tower and Town, October 2022

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Volunteering For Ark

I began my retirement about ten years ago and wanted to get involved in new activities. A growing family meant I didn't want to make rigid, regular commitments, and I had had enough of meetings and committees. I think I first became aware of ARK at a recruiting stand behind Waitrose; the outdoors beckoned and messing about in rivers sounded like my cup of tea! (Though ARK's purpose is much more serious than that!).

Since then, I have learnt a great deal about nature and the environment, acquired new skills and had many enjoyable days in some beautiful stretches of river, in all weathers! A typical ARK Day begins with me checking the weather forecast, collecting everything I might need to deal with the task and weather, (not forgetting lunch) and heading off to a meeting point anywhere within the Kennet Catchment. Sometimes I drive ARK's own truck loaded with materials and equipment. Tasks are led by an ARK Project Officer, and are usually maintenance or improvements of either the river or adjacent land. Education of young and old is also a very important aspect of ARK's work and I have been involved in the construction of two or three school Rain Gardens which show children how flooding can be reduced by better management of rainwater.

I'm sometimes anxious as I set out for the day, often wet, dirty and exhausted by the end, but always return satisfied after a worthwhile day's work alongside a great bunch of fellow volunteers.

Bruce Hayllar


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