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Tower and Town, December 2022

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A Diary Entry From Gunnar

As part of their topic learning about the Vikings, the children have been reading Viking Boy by Tony Bradman. They explored the character of Gunnar and wrote a diary entry from his point of view after his father was savagely attacked and the Valkyrie arrived.

Dear Diary,
Startled, I woke up to the sound of a roaring fire and the horrified screams of panicking people. My heart racing, I quickly got up and rushed over to my parents. Smoke was curling from the roof, people were running around, so I quickly shook my parents awake and told them what was happening. I could tell my father was nervous, but he just stood up and everyone went silent. Trying hard not to cry, I glanced at my mother, who looked terrified. I knew we needed to get out of the longhouse, but I waited for Father to talk.

With a worried expression, Father told all the men to grab a weapon, I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed, I could feel my hairs stand on end. Slowly, Father and his men opened the door, but as quick as a flash, a flaming arrow shot through the crack in the door and one of the men dropped dead. In the blink of an eye, the door was shut. Everyone looked terrified. I knew we had to get out, but the raiders probably had the building circled. I looked at Father, who said that he was going to go and see the raiders! I knew there was a large chance he could die, but he was going to risk it! With tears swelling in my eyes, he opened the door and walked outside. I held my breath but nothing happened, then I heard a yell and a thud - it couldn't be! I quickly rushed to the door and the sight I saw made my heart stop. In front of me, twelve large men wielding swords and bows looked at me, their eyes were wild. They had wolf skin cloaks and in the flickering fire light, I could just make out two humongous black dogs straining on their leashes, their red bloodthirsty eyes reflecting in the moon light! Without thinking, I approached them and looked down at Father's body lying on the floor covered in blood. I was outraged! I ran at them and tried to punch them and kick them, but it was no use as they pinned me to the floor! I thought I was going to die, however Mother ran at them clutching Father's sword. She tried to free me, but could not get to me and she got lifted up and stopped. I knew we were dead!

Feeling helpless, I closed my eyes, but seconds later I felt the grip loosen. I slowly opened my eyes. Was I dead? In a second, I realised I was still at the long house. I saw the men and Mother. I quickly looked around and in the sky I could make out the shape of three warriors riding massive wolves with grey hair and pointy, white fangs. I looked closer and saw the warriors had long, sharp spears and pointed raven helmets. I couldn't believe it, they were Valkyries! Slowly, the Valkyries landed and dismounted the wolves. They walked over to Father's body and one of them asked 'Who is this?' For a few seconds nobody spoke, but I eventually brought up the courage to speak. 'It is my father.' The Valkyrie looked at me with cold eyes then picked father up and placed him in a net strapped to two wolves, mounted the wolf and flew away.

Alex Braithwaite *Yr 5)


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