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Tower and Town, December 2022

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A Diary Entry From Gunnar

As part of their topic learning about the Vikings, the children have been reading Viking Boy by Tony Bradman. They explored the character of Gunnar and wrote a diary entry from his point of view after his father was savagely attacked and the Valkyrie arrived.

Dear Diary,
My heart pounding, Skuli smirking, mother howling, hounds whimpering, village people questioning, wolf men jeering. This had to be a horrendous nightmare. The full moon glittered sympathetically in the scarlet sky like a shimmering angel leashed to the land of the dead. An asteroid was pummelling closer, illuminating golden rays of light which made it look like the gargantuan slither of light was in disguise as some species of god! Wait, it was some sort of mythical creature... Valkyries. I'd read about them in Father's precious novel of Gods and Goddesses, the one with the thick, elegant spine and beautiful illustrations in emerald, amethyst, sapphire, amber and ruby! Salty tears formed in my eyes, yet I tried to fight them back. A gasp spread around the room, as the Valkyries landed with an ear-damaging 'thump!' My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets! A trio of tall figures sat on three silver eight legged wolves, growling softly. The endless sea of black curls were disguised under her spotless, silver helmet but her huge eyes were like two black pools. Each Valkyrie was heavenly layered in shining chainmail armour which made me feel slightly intimidated. Their snow-white hands lifted father and then the centred one spoke, "Who is the guilty murderer of Bjorn Siggurdson? Show yourself you coward!" The wolf men took several nervous steps back, while the rest of us pointed an accusing finger at the revolting gorilla, who was trembling furiously.

"It was not murder," Skuli replied, rolling his bloodshot eyes. "He asked for it."

"Bjorn would never do such a thing!" Mother screamed. "He died a hero, while you vermin will die filthy cowards!"

The Valkyrie blinked her glimmering eyes innocently. "Who speaks for Bjorn Siggurdson?"

I courageously staggered forward. "I am Gunnar Siggurdson, son of Bjorn. I speak for him. He was a hero!"

The Vaklyries rose into the frosty air, but I sprinted to the captain and said, "Please, don't go! How can I save myself?" I looked up into her glimmering eyes, desperate.

"Only the norms know your fate child." She smiled eerily in the moonlight and only until she had ascended into a black silhouette against the sunrise, only then did I realise I never understood her answer...

Scarlett Rogerson (Yr 5)


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