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Tower and Town, December 2022

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A Narrative Based On The Animation 'The Piano', by Aidan Gibbons

Year 6 have been studying the topic, 'Lest We Forget' and learning about World War Two. In English, they have taken inspiration from a short animation, 'The Piano' by Aidan Gibbons.

As the melody continued, the man played the sweet tune that he had played many times before until he heard a deafening sound of fireworks. The fireworks sounded like blasting gun shots and that was when the putrid memory began. Shock was going through the man's body and before he knew it, he felt a heavy burden on his head.

With legs full of speed, the man ran towards the ancient wall. It was once a beautiful building, now just a cobbled mess. The wall was uncomfortable and rocky but it was the only bit of shelter left. Searching his pockets frantically, the man's grenade was nowhere in sight. Nevertheless, he still nodded to his friend so he could attack. Without any notice, his poor friend was shot in the battle scene.

Guilt rising from the man's body and at full speed, he rushed towards his dying comrade. It was too late. With blood dripping everywhere, his friend had now passed and he felt that there was no one to blame but himself. He felt soulless; one of his only friends had died.

Once again, he heard the flowing melody which made him phase out of the horrifying memory that he was stuck in. Staring at the sky, the man was relieved he was out of the terrible memory but still guilty at what he had done. Tearfully, he played the sweet melody one more time.

Roccco Watts


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