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Tower and Town, February 2023

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Parade Picks Film Review

A Bunch of Amateurs, showing at The Parade Cinema on 22nd and 23rd February. (Flyer opposite.)

There is something wonderfully appealing about being an Independent cinema showing a film about Britain's oldest film club. As a lifelong cinephile myself, it's easy to feel an affinity for the cast of A Bunch Of Amateurs.

The Bradford Movie Makers have met every Monday since 1932 to recreate iconic film scenes, more often than not, in the most amateur fashion. It is here that the film's appeal lies; in watching a group of elder cinephiles arguing over the merits of their short film, the latest film they have watched, or other, more personal issues.

At the time of the film, the Bradford Movie Makers are not in the best financial situation. Their clubhouse is quite literally crumbling around them, the outside has become a fly-tipping area, and the bills are continuing to rack up, but against this background, there is still optimism and a genuine love for the club and the people in it.

.Kim Hopkins' documentary does a fantastic job of focussing on the various characters involved without becoming overly sentimental or critical, allowing viewers to form their own opinions of those involved. Thanks in large part to the hand camera footage and snappy editing, it is easy to become invested in the trials and tribulations of the Bradford Movie Makers.

The film covers a period of 2-3 years, following such high points as an attempt to remake the opening of Oklahoma with an actor who can neither ride a horse nor sing and then the crushing low point of the global pandemic, will the club and it's 90-year history survive... There is only one way to find out.

At only 95 minutes long and £5 a ticket (for members), why not take a chance on our Parade Picks?

David Williams
General Manager, Parade Cinema


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