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Tower and Town, May 2023

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Marlborough Churches Together, Easter Procession

For many years, Marlborough Churches Together undertook a march of witness which ended with a parade from St Mary's to St Peter's Church. This year has seen something of an updated revival of that event which took place on Easter Saturday April 8th. An invitation was extended to members of all the churches and the community as a whole to take part in a semi- dramatised procession down the High Street, with three dramatised scenes on the way.

The first scene on the Town Hall steps gave an overview of how Christians understand the life of Jesus and included a depiction of Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Scene Two outside the Jubilee Centre gave a glimpse of Peter's denial and Jesus' trial and conviction by the Jewish leaders. Jesus was led from there to St Peter's Churchyard where the crucifixion was enacted. The presentation ended with reference to the resurrection and a rousing rendition of 'Amazing Grace' was the finale.

The procession took place in glorious sunshine. It was wonderful to see shoppers and shop keepers stop what they were doing to watch. Many of the cast and onlookers were greatly moved and plans are already in place to make The Easter Procession a fixture in future years.

Helen Stokes


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