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Tower and Town, August 2023

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Clergy Letter

A few weeks ago, Jane and I had our first outdoor swim this year, in the River Thames at Lechlade. I enjoy swimming in our town pool, as those who work there are so welcoming, helpful and friendly, and the post swim conversations in the changing room add to the experience. Many a newsletter and sermon have taken shape whilst gliding through the water, as the events and distractions of the day disappear and the mind is cleared, allowing other thoughts in. We are fortunate to have such a good swimming pool and leisure facilities, but nothing quite beats being out in the open air and plunging into the sea, a lake or a river.

It was surprisingly easy to get into the Thames for our swim at Lechlade, as the water was warmer than expected. It was lovely to feel the sun on our backs and to see the light reflected on the water. The swans cruised alongside us as we cautiously used the breaststroke so as not to disturb them. It was amusing to see some mother ducks trying to keep their ducklings together and close to the bank, as we swam past them. The trees and shrubs along the river were in full leaf and the branches swayed in the breeze. It was invigorating and a joy to be so immersed in nature. Everything was connected and part of the landscape. From being in the river, we got a different perspective of the world, seeing it from a frog's eye view.

It reminded me that as Christians we have a different perspective of the world from many people as we view it through the eyes of Jesus. We see what is going on all around us in the world and sometimes think that we see the hand of God in that act of kindness, or generous expression of help in a given situation. At other times, we think that is not what God intended. He wants everyone to love their neighbour and to live in peace, showing justice and mercy to all people, helping the poor and those in need. He wants us to love Him and others, rather than the love of power or status, or the desire to accumulate things whatever the cost to others.

This is a simplistic summary of something upon which volumes of books have been written. However, if we view God's world through the eyes of Jesus, it is encouraging to remember that the kingdoms of the world come and go, but the kingdom of God never ends and one day we will enjoy the new heaven and the new earth, where God will wipe away every tear and death will be no more, (Revelation 21:4). In the meantime, let us love one another as Jesus first loved us, (John 13:34), "do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with (our) God", (Micah 6:8).

I hope that you have a great summer, with opportunities to rest, relax and be refreshed, and a chance to view the world through different eyes, whether or not they are those of a frog!

Stephen Skinner


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