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Tower and Town, August 2023

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“Plan and Elevation”

Plan and Elevation, an exhibition of works by Vincent Stokes and Tony Martin, takes place from 5th - 28th August in the White Horse Bookshop Gallery.

What is it about drawing and painting that engages so many people, either as makers or viewers? Even after making art for over 50 years I'm still not entirely sure I can explain this! Personally, I enjoy the physicality of it, engaging with and learning how to control the tools - paper, charcoal, paint, glue and so on and I love the intellectual and emotional challenge that producing artwork requires.

I taught art at secondary school level throughout my working life. Maintaining studio practice is essential, I believe, so I have been both teacher and practitioner from the beginning.

For many people, "learning to draw" means being able to produce a drawing that more or less resembles a photograph. Thus, a "good" work of art is one that most closely copies another image. There is not room here to fully unwrap this viewpoint; let's just say that sadly this mistaken view too often becomes a stumbling block for so many who would love to draw. Very little of my own work has exclusively aimed to reproduce something front of me.

Over the last few years, I have been challenged to make abstract drawings and paintings which aim to present the viewer with a 'doorway.' The doorway is into areas of life that are not easily describable: my Christian faith, which fuels my work, is not easily describable. Someone has said that "each creative moment is just slightly beyond our horizon". I love that. When making art I'm not always exactly sure of where I'm going - it's often 'just beyond my horizon', but I enjoy that feeling. I cannot, of course, describe God, but maybe through making art, I can contribute in some way to the journey towards Him.

Abstract art, for some, is not their thing....but if you'd like to see, and ask questions about some of my recent paintings, drop into the White Horse Bookshop Gallery during August. Both Tony Martin and I will be there on Saturday 5th Aug, or at other times by appointment; we would love to explore our work with you.

Vincent Stokes


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