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Tower and Town, October 2023

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Family News

Anna Harrison 1942 - 2023, by Alison Selby

Anna was born in London, and spent her early years in Tarring near Worthing and at Southampton. She qualified as a teacher at Chichester, as well as embracing sailing, singing and acting. Whilst teaching at Croydon, Anna met Martin and they married in 1966. They went to teach in the USA for a year and then moved to Marlborough, with Martin teaching at the College and Anna teaching at Preshute and St John's. Anna became an excellent hostess entertaining students and others.

On Martin's retirement, with their sons John and Mark grown up, Anna also retired and together they travelled around the world. Anna delighted in meeting people when she travelled and a special pleasure was to accompany visually impaired individuals on holiday, as a Sighted Guide, describing with her wonderful gifts of words the places they visited.

Her life was filled with activity, bearing her health challenges with courage and determination. Anna looked after her mother and her mother-in-law to the end of their lives and nursed Martin with true devotion until he passed away in 2017. She then continued to care for elderly housebound friends and support those (like her) coping with bereavement. Anna was an active member of St Mary's and involved with Open The Book; and home groups and devotional material enriched her unshakeable Christian faith and her daily prayers.

Anna loved reading, music and theatre. She had supported the Chichester Festival Theatre from her youth. She enjoyed walking and bird watching. She was also one of the founders of the Talking Newspaper Service in the Marlborough area and was still corresponding with many friends and family.

I was privileged to work alongside Anna, when she was chair of Marlborough Churches Together when I came to live here in 1990 and with Open The Book from 2011. Anna died on 12th April following a major cerebral bleed. She is missed but we rejoice that she is reunited with her loved ones ... and her Saviour, Jesus.


We celebrate the life of Letty Kenny who has died at the age of 93. Letitia Elizabeth Mary Kenny, née Waters, known as Letty, was born in Marlborough into a local family and lived all of her life here apart from a brief spell in Scotland where her husband Tommy came from. She and Tommy brought up three daughters in the town, one of whom still lives locally. Long a resident of St Margaret's Mead, she latterly found a home in Coombe End Court where she died on 6th August. She leaves daughters, sons in law, grand children, great grandchildren and many friends in the town. She enjoyed reading Tower and Town and was a long time subscriber.

Naomi Painter


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