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Tower and Town, February 2024

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Mrs Brown's Bakes: Secret Diary Of A Local Business

July 2022:

On the point of 'retirement' but the word seems premature - is there another challenge awaiting?

August 2022:

Could my penchant for baking be turned into a business? The family make encouraging noises.

September 2022:

With a family tradition of shortbread making, I decide to start with packets of this perennial favourite ... but before turning on the oven, there is much to do ...

October 2022:

... food hygiene and allergen training, registering the business, insurance, ingredients, pricing ...

November 2022:

'Mrs Brown's Bakes' becomes a reality as our son, Rory, works magic on the branding - pitches booked for two December markets in Marlborough.

6 December 2022:

Trading begins! Various crises occur - oven failure saved by the technical wizardry of local engineer, Mr Clemens. Cornflour-gate (a national shortage of this vital ingredient) rescued by my long-suffering husband scouring the county for supplies ... but the market stalls happen with much camaraderie ... and people seem to like eating shortbread!

Jan/Feb 2023:

More days on the markets. Orders from individuals for cakes and bakes, as well as shortbread. February ends with an exciting approach from St Peter's Trust: wanted - local supplier of cakes for the new Cardinal Coffee Shop.

22 April 2023:

A red letter day as the first cakes are delivered to Cardinal Coffee Shop for their opening ... two days later I break my ankle. Arrgh! I keep going ...just!

April 22 onwards:

l'm soon back on two fully-functioning ankles and settling into the seasonal rhythm of supplying the coffee shop - raspberries and blueberries for summer cakes, comforting spiced toffee cake in the autumn and all things Christmassy in December. Private orders for bakes grow - Parmesan shortbreads for a drinks party, coffee cake for a family gathering or mince pies at Christmas. Tuned in to Radio 4, clad in my cheffy clothes I enjoy the creativity of cooking, emerging at the end of a day from a cloud of icing sugar amidst a Proustian smell of buttery shortbread.

Mrs Brown's Bakes is a small solo artisanal business in Marlborough. Would it attract a Dragon's investment? Probably not. Would I recommend such a project? Definitely! Later this year I turn 60 and I'm hoping that the challenges - creative, mental and physical - will keep me young. As long as I can bring enjoyment with a packet of shortbread or a fluffy Victoria Sandwich cake, I'll keep baking! Visit my website!

Amanda Brown


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