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Tower and Town, May 2024

  (view the full edition)

Thank You Rob

Our warmest thanks go to Rob Napier who, after many years as a compiler for Tower and Town, has decided to step aside. He has been an expert compiler creating well organised and beautifully laid out magazines shown most recently in the first three editions of this year.

John Osborne writes: "Rob has been one of those vital people on whom you depend so much that you hope (selfishly) that they will go on doing what they do for ever, though you know that they won't and shouldn't. He has a brand of practical intelligence which enables him to have thought up the answer before you yourself were aware that there was a problem. I have found him a great pleasure to work with, always fresh, quick and responsive - and good humoured - ready with ideas and solutions, and enjoying finding them. A man who could be relied upon to make a crooked way straight, and modestly take less credit for it than he might."

Rob will be a real loss to the team. We shall miss his expertise and wise counsel but wish him a very happy "retirement".

Sarah Bumphrey


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