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Tower and Town, July 2015

  (view the full edition)

Farm To Farmshop

Commuters to Swindon will have noticed the arrival of a large barn-like building, just before the service station, along the route of the disused railway track.

Three Trees Farm Shop and Cafe is located in Chiseldon on the edge of the Marlborough Downs. Its location on the Downs is important to the Farm Shop. The shop benefits from the large number of visitors to the Downs for sightseeing, cycling and walking.

The Downs have inspired a lot of the products that we sell. We have Barbury Castle Ale from Three Castles Brewery and Honeybee Nectar Beer from Ramsbury Brewery - all the ingredients for this beer apart from the hops are sourced from within the North Wessex Downs AONB. In the gift room we have some beautiful fused glass plaques showing the White Horses of the Downs and screen printed fabric and pottery inspired by the isolated clumps of trees found on top of the Downs.

Our Farm

The farm itself lies on the edge of the Downs and we have worked with the Marlborough Downs Nature Improvement Area to create a new wildlife pond, install bird boxes and plant an area of nectar-rich plants to attract bees.

The Editor Scouts Three Trees Farm Shop


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