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Tower and Town, April 2016

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Family News

Caroline and Chris Loveday had an adventurous holiday, inspired partly by the interests of Caroline's father, Jess Chandler. He ran the long established saddlery business and was deeply involved with his hobbies, mostly connected with the sea. (See T&T Online at for a full account)

Karen James was 44, the youngest of six children, and the pride and joy of Sam and his late wife, Queenie. Her funeral followed the family tradition with a horse drawn carriage and wonderful floral tributes. She had been cared for by her sisters, Betty, Lily and Charlotte after her mother's death. She liked going to the Day Centre at the Youth Centre every day. She enjoyed shopping and going to the Conservative Club where her family and friends gathered after the service. Our condolences to Sam and all the family.

Tom Dyke lived in Bailey Acre. Sadly he died suddenly recently. Born in Staffordshire, he had been in the army for 16 years, the 16th/5th Queens Royal Lancers. He and Pam came to Marlborough in 1978 and he worked as a hospital porter. He played guitar and sang country and western songs, entertaining the troops in his army days. They have two daughters, Kay and Tracey, and seven grandchildren. Our sincere sympathy to all the family.

There was great sadness among family and friends at the sudden death of Marie Ireson on February 4th. Marie was born in Marlborough, the second eldest child of Ron and Olive Bray. She had two sons, Paul and Phillip. For many years she worked at Marlborough Children's hospital, now St Luke's Court in Hyde Lane. Later she was warden at York Place and then lived there until she died. She was partially blind but managed to walk to the High Street most days. Her gentle, sympathetic nature endeared her to friends and neighbours.

Joan Mabbutt was born in Kingsbury Square in 1926 and went to Marlborough Grammar School. She moved in to 20, St. Margaret's Mead as a bride when the house was new in 1947 and lived there for the rest of her life. Richard bought the house in 2000. She had worked in the cafe run by Mr Kerr in the old tile-hung, panelled building in the High St. on the site of Landmark and in the College laundry. She was a keen bingo player and really enjoyed her holidays in Devon. Richard has a son, Antony, and two grandchildren. Our thoughts are with them.

Susan Clapp died at home on January 30th. She and Richard came to live here in 1990. Susan was an interviewer in the Marlborough Oral History Project, recording local people's recollections of the town early in the last century. She was a keen supporter of the Merchant's House, working many hours on the Turkeywork project, a member of a number of groups in Kennet U3A and a volunteer fundraiser for a mental health charity. Deep sympathy to Richard, their five children and seven grandchildren.

Kathy and Ian Perryman need help with the Christian Aid collections.

St. Peter's Trust lost a talented Trustee when Alan Crane died. He and Joyce retired to live in Back Lane in 1992 but it was a very active retirement. From setting out Joyce's flower plants in the church flower beds to practical work repairing the tower to getting funding from the National Lottery Alan was a "hands-on" Trustee. We are grateful for his hard work and send sympathy to Joyce and their children, Simon and Sarah.

Audrey Peck


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