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Tower and Town, December 2018

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Refugee Letter

Dear Oma and Opa.

I hope you are okay because when I noticed you had disappeared, I was heartbroken and as my Mum and Dad dragged me and my brother along I cried and wailed for hours and hours. I felt like my whole heart had smashed into thousands of pieces. As we walked further and further away from you I became more and more homesick! I had millions of butterflies in my stomach when I lost you and I thought I would have them forever.

When we arrived, I smelt the putrid smell but I soon got used to it. Every day I walk to get water and after I play with the other children that are here. We hope you have food because we don't so we are starving all of the time and we don't have breakfast, lunch or dinner.

I really hope we meet up again because we all want to see you again. I also hope we can go back to our country to live together nice and peacefully.

Lots of love from Leila



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