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Tower and Town, February 2019

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Clergy Letter

As I write this, 2019 is only a few days old and life is beginning to get back to normal after the festivities of Christmas and New Year. So 'A Happy New Year, Everyone!'

This is the time when minds turn to New Year resolutions; to going to the gym or at least taking more exercise, to doing something positive like cutting back on alcohol or eating more healthy food, to.......

Some may already have bitten the dust, others may even last until February. We are not very good at keeping our resolutions.

This is also the time when many Methodists all over the world renew the Covenant we have with God in our annual Covenant service. We do this once a year because we know that we slip and fail to be good disciples of Christ throughout the year. It is an important service for us, reassuring in that it reminds us of God's faithful love and challenging because it reminds us of our commitment to God.

In a world where, especially for public figures, the past can never be forgotten or forgiven we are reminded that God does not hold our mistakes against us, be they youthful follies or more serious actions. Like a New Year, the Covenant Service reminds us that there is always a new beginning, a second chance.

As we look forward we know that 2019 will bring its share of changes and challenges. For Christchurch and the churches we are partnered with, summer will bring a change of minister. I move to take up a new appointment in the Wirral and Rev Stephen Skinner moves here from Kent.

We pray that a new rector will be appointed for St Mary's and a new vicar for St George's soon.

There will be other changes and challenges too, for all of us. For those who begin a new year with the shadows of illness and death or anxiety about the future I pray you will know God's peace. For those who begin the year filled with joy and hope I pray that this will be the pattern of the year.

Let us all look forward to the new beginning of 2019. Every blessing!

Heather Cooper


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