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Tower and Town, March 2019

  (view the full edition)

Ediorial: Our Town

The picture on the front cover is familiar enough - an image that encapsulates a varied and vibrant community, a place we sometimes take for granted but which at the same time is very much 'our town'.

This month's edition attempts to get beneath the skin of that community through a series of interviews with people who play a leading part in what shapes us as Marlborough. We have insights from the Mayor, from the Headteacher of Marlborough St Mary's, from Bob Holman talking about the business community, Janneke Blokland on the work of MAPAG, and Martin Cook on the work of MADT. I am indebted to them for their time and trouble. I could not possibly do justice to the 'whole' town - perhaps later issues might take up the baton and explore more of what makes us who and what we are - but I hope that I have managed to give a little flavour of where we are and where we might be going.

In addition this issue contains a miscellany of suggestions that might help you to shake off those winter blues; the second part of Barney Rosedale's and Bill Yates' excellent article on Drugs; a reminder from Father John Blacker that March is the month of Lent; and Mike Maclachlan, churchwarden of St Mary's, explains the process of finding a new rector.

Plus loads of fascinating information about what's happening in our community and our churches - lots of opportunities to get involved.

May reading it put a spring in your step - metaphorically if not physically!

Dvid Du Croz


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