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Tower and Town, March 2019

  (view the full edition)

Marlborough Area Poverty Action Group (MAPAG)

An interview with one of the trustees, the Revd Dr Janneke Blokland.

So, what is MAPAG and how did it come about?

MAPAG started about 6 years ago and developed largely out of the Food Bank. It is non-political and not church-based, though it has close links with some of the churches. It came about partly because it was felt that there was a need to recognise that, though largely hidden, poverty exists in Marlborough.

What does it actually do?

A number of related things, but much of its work is to do with identifying problems, making an inventory of what needs to be done and then bringing the right people together to respond to those needs. It works with the homeless and supports the work of the Food Bank. It also works with and in schools, and sponsors children for the Leisure Centre's Camp Activate, an activity programme run during the school holidays.

What have been some of the major issues MAPAG has tried to deal with?

Food poverty and homelessness are the main problems, but also the lack of support services. There is no longer a Citizens Advice Bureau in the town; the nearest jobcentre is in Devizes; there is no Youth Worker and the Children's Centre has closed. It's very difficult for those in need to get the necessary support. One of the things MAPAG is trying to do is to centralise information about the full nature and extent of poverty and bring people together to tackle the problems.

What have been some of its main achievements?

I think just raising awareness about poverty in Marlborough has been one of the most important things, and building up good relations with families in need. We have managed to raise money - funding comes from individuals and from money raised by Waitrose, Tesco and others - for a Summer Trip for families. This last summer we took 46 children and parents to the Cotswold Wildlife Park, for some of whom this would be their only day out for the whole of the holidays.

And what are the opportunities and challenges facing MAPAG?

Part of the problem is that poverty in Marlborough is fairly hidden, and because it is not as overtly dire as elsewhere it stays below the radar of the relevant authorities. We also need to look into the problem of loneliness and the elderly, as well as things like fuel poverty. Continuing to build up a body of information, and finding the funds and people to deliver what is needed are our main immediate concerns.

Janneke Blokland


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