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Tower and Town, March 2019

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March Miscellany: A Good Walk

A Stroll on the Downs
This 3 miler has no steep hills or stiles and gives lovely views. Ecological start: Ogbourne St Andrew bus stop.
  1. Walk past the Silks on the Downs and turn left towards Ogbourne St Andrew.
  2. Where the village road swings right, go straight on along the narrower road, pass a grass triangle to your left and ascend the farm track. Trees on your left, fields on your right.
  3. After a kilometre pleasantly uphill the track swings hard left at a large field ahead where there is a choice: a) follow the main track which, in some 300m turns sharp right following the perimeter of the field to its far corner and a convenient bench by a small copse, or b) follow the less used track ahead to circuit the same field anticlockwise and end up at the same convenient bench. The track ends at the first corner but keep going.
  4. After relaxing and admiring the views, put the bench and copse to your back and head directly towards (but not through) a field gate in a white fence, and follow the good track leftwards. Where the fence leaves the track look left to high dense beech hedge that in fact surrounds a small cemetery.
  5. From the cemetery (if you bothered to visit it) return to the track, turn left and follow it down to the road at Ogbourne Maisey.
  6. Go straight ahead towards the main road but at a white metal fence on your left go through the kissing gate (and enjoy its tradition).
  7. Cross two fields to a path between high privet hedges. This takes you back to the grass triangle you passed near the start.
  8. Follow the road back to the Silks on the Downs where you might enjoy refreshment while awaiting your bus.
Peter's excellent maps of Savernake Forest and West Woods are available for purchase in St Peter's Church - perfect guides for any number of springtime walks.

Peter Noble


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