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Tower and Town, June 2019

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The GWR Motorbus (And Kennet Community Transport)

As you see from our front cover, Marlborough may have been slow with the railway, but it was quick off the mark with the motor omnibus. The GWR started a service in 1904 to connect Marlborough (on a branch off the Exeter main line) and Calne (on a branch off the Bath and Bristol main line), towns very inconvenient to travel between by rail. This was one of the first motor bus services in the country, and cheaper for the GWR than extending the Chippenham to Calne branch line to Marlborough, which was being considered. It was delivered by a Milne-Daimler motor omnibus which could carry 10 passengers inside plus 2 beside the driver. It ran three trips each way per day, taking an hour and 25 minutes for the 12¾ miles, so quicker than walking but not by much.

Kennet Community Transport similarly fills a transport need - collecting older people who would otherwise be housebound and bringing them into town to the Jubilee Centre. It also does ad-hoc outings for some of the local care homes and, to help to pay the bills, brings St John's pupils in from Broad Hinton. It has one full time driver, but depends on volunteers to cover sickness and holidays, and to provide direction on the committee. Anyone who would be an occasional driver, or who would serve on the (not very onerous) committee would be welcomed with open arms. Call Alexander Kirk Wilson on 01672 513861 or

Alexander Kirk-Wilson


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