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Tower and Town, August 2019

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My Trip To Gunjur

For 2 weeks in April 2019 my good friend Lucy and I travelled to Gunjur in The Gambia to volunteer for the Gunjur Project. I really wanted to get involved when I became aware of Gunjur through Lucy's mother who founded a charity called Thriving Through Venture which links teenagers from Wiltshire with partners in Gunjur, where they complete personal projects.

During our stay we:

  • planted and watered over 500 papaya seedlings in a Women's Development Garden;
  • helped out at the local nursery teaching young children English and communication skills by playing games, drawing and singing;
  • took part in two surveys observing bird migration and the importance of maintaining protected wildlife areas;
  • worked with the country coordinator of Waste Aid UK in 3 schools and local restaurants on the importance of recycling and reducing waste;
  • supported the staff at Gunjur Project with how to use technology effectively in business situations.

When I put it like that it really does sound like a lot. But the time flew by and before I knew it we were back on the M25 stuck in traffic.

Now being home it feels like I visited a different world. In Gunjur nobody judged anyone, families worked together and shared resources, the children took care of each other but most importantly to me, EVERYONE was welcoming.

It's hard to put into words what I experienced but I think I got a glimpse at the now lost, real meaning of life and how to be truly content. It's far from having the new iPhone X or the most expensive watch. It's about being happy and accepting what you have and what it really would be like to make the most of very little. What I personally gained in Gunjur will never leave me.

The photos are some I took in The Gambia for my A Level photography Course. They really capture what I experienced in everyday life in Gunjur.

If anybody is interested in getting involved with what I took part in, please visit the Gunjur Project Association website -<.p>

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