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Tower and Town, November 2019

  (view the full edition)

Earth In Need

Flashing neon lights
shine all around.
Dirty litter flutters
onto polluted ground.
Fish gasp for breath
in their poisoned home;
all our greed and selfishness
into the sea is thrown.
Landfills burn whilst factories smoke,
acidic rain falls;
our mess is marked everywhere
while the helpless Earth calls.
It longs to be far away,
left alone by us,
no more rubbish, dirt or smoke,
no stress or chaos.
We humans have destroyed our Earth -
we've drowned it in our greed.
We've killed innocent animals
and left the Earth to bleed.
It cried out loud so many times,
begging us to stop,
but we blocked out its desperate shout
and dumped more dirt on top.
But we can fix it -
now's our chance!
Let the Earth be freed.
Heal its pains, cuts and wounds;
The Earth is in need.

Elina Pfeiler


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