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Tower and Town, March 2020

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Steve Pascall

Local resident, enthusiast and prime mover for Marlborough in Bloom, Steve's work can be seen all around the town with some thirty plant troughs he constructed from discarded pallets. Having known him for nearly twenty years I acknowledge that he can adapt any bit of old wood for some useful purpose - a very valuable neighbour! That is not to deny that he has made some excellent pieces of furniture as well!

"I have always been interested in wood", he tells me as we sit down to talk about his life. Working with wood may well be a key to Steve's polymathic skills but this has also led to the development of both the right (artistic) and left (intellectual) sides of his brain. From his achievements he must have, surely, derived much satisfaction and self-esteem!

Very early memories include witnessing the skilful manoeuvres of Spitfires and Hurricanes from his home town, Dover, during the Battle of Britain. Educated at the grammar school followed by entry to Canterbury Art College he qualified in Furniture Design. Then, following National Service in the RAF Security Police, Steve spent a number of years in the Midlands working as a designer for several companies in the furniture business including The Stag Cabinet Company who were developing the use of chipboard in furniture construction. "My strong Kentish accent conflicted with Brummie and Nottingham, but somehow I got by", he chuckles.

Seeking a change by moving south, the bills were paid as a salesman by selling equipment to the woodworking industry and taking on odd jobs but in time he was employing craftsmen in the building trade and this led to forming a fully blown property maintenance company - a highly creative procedure - based in Newbury. By this time he had married his delightful and hugely supportive second wife, Jenny. Somehow he found the time to develop his skills as a church organist and keen gardener and soon became involved with the local parish council.

Steve is multi-talented and his administration skills were clearly appreciated leading to his becoming a district councillor and eventually Chairman of West Berkshire Council.

"None of us is getting any younger" he acknowledges ruefully, "so this year I am keen to encourage new blood to join our Marlborough in Bloom team. Seeing all the flowers blossoming around the town is a huge source of satisfaction and pleasure for all of us so new volunteers please call", he concluded! (01672 519304)

Good luck, Steve!

Neil GM Hall


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