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Tower and Town, December 2021

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As we approach another Christmas after 20 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, we can all look forward to a more normal time of celebration and the opportunity to be with loved ones again. We can also be immensely proud of the work done by our members who have found the support and friendship of each other to be a lifeline in difficult times.

This issue of Tower and Town features the activities of u3a - a nationwide movement formed to support people to make the most of life when full-time work is over. Here in Marlborough and the surrounding villages, u3a in Kennet has been active throughout the pandemic allowing members to meet when permitted, to learn, to exercise, to be creative, and to socialise. Some of our groups actually grew in numbers, such as the Monday Walking Group, and the History Groups even though they couldn't meet face-to-face - such was the strength people gained from each other's company. We have learned to use Zoom and it is likely that 'hybrid' meetings - combining face-to-face activities with on-line access for some - will continue for some time.

A highlight of the last year was our u3a Day in June when we mounted an exhibition of our activities in the Marlborough Town Hall. As well as being an introduction for those interested in joining us, it was also the first opportunity for many members to meet face-to-face in many months.

Another highlight was our Special Interest Day on Climate Change and Sustainable Futures which was held in September at Marlborough College. A distinguished panel of speakers considered the scientific and social implications and possibilities. The event was also attended by Marlborough College students.

You can read about these and more activities in the following pages including what u3a means to some of our members. There is more information about u3a on the national website: or on our local site at

David Hammond, Chairman u3a in Kennet


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