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Tower and Town, December 2021

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U3A Day In Marlborough

The Mayor of Marlborough (Cllr Mark Cooper) and the Town Crier (Mike Tupman) joined members of u3a in Kennet to celebrate u3a Day on Wednesday 2nd June.

u3a Day was celebrated up and down the country during National Volunteers' Week and was designed to increase the profile of u3a by generating a wider awareness and understanding of u3a in the general public.

In Marlborough, the Mayor introduced the event by praising the work of u3a in providing support and activities for people when full-time working is over. The Town Crier announced the event with his customary Oyez Oyez call and a bell. With David Hammond, Chairman of u3a in Kennet and Jeff Hide, the organiser of the event, they led a parade around the High Street where they were joined by other u3a members - including the Dog Walking Group. Outside there was an information point on the Market together with a rolling display of Classic Cars from the Classic Car Group. The Cycling Group rode around the High Street with advertising sashes. Many of the 60 interest groups were represented in a Covid-secure exhibition in the Town Hall which was open all day to visitors with refreshments served.


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