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Tower and Town, December 2023

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How We Plan Our Christmas Concert

Concert preparation starts surprisingly early; almost the second the Spring concert is finished, the music goes back to the library and Christmas planning begins.

Like any Christmas party, there will be a mixture of guests and regulars, customs and traditions, and then a sprinkle of challenge for the choir and sparkle for the audience.

Our venue of choice is traditionally St Mary's, Marlborough's own beautiful Parish Church, which glitters in candlelight. Our guest list is easy - our own local community and the choir, but soloists and musicians need to be found and booked!

Then the main event for the programme - just like a Christmas dinner, we need something to look forward to! Is there a composer with a special anniversary? A new composer with a work that just shouts Christmas to be tried out? This year we are revisiting a well-loved classic, Vivaldi's joyous Gloria.

And then the trimmings - something for the audience to sing and feel involved in. Which audience carols have we sung over the last few years, and what is new this time? Making sure we have covered all the old favourites that we only hear once a year with a few new pieces to stretch the mind or feel warmed by.

And a highlight, a bit like the flaming Christmas pudding, something to raise the rafters and fill our hearts with Christmas cheer!!

Once the main structure is down on paper the planning really begins. Will the various music libraries be able to find music copies? How many weeks rehearsals will we need? Do we have enough people in the choir to sing every part? How much will the concert cost to put on and can we afford it? Can we produce a programme in time? Where shall we advertise?

One of our most important decisions is which charity to support. We always try to support something local, groups like Hope for Homes, Prospect Hospice, the Jubilee centre, Swindon Filling station. But occasionally the world situation feels more pressing, and we join a larger initiative. Over the years we have raised thousands of pounds for charities.

And all of this is before we really start organising the night, who will welcome our guests, who will light all the candles, run the bar and open and close the venue!

So if you wish to add a little bit of Christmas magic to your festivities this year, come and join us at St Mary's church on the 9th December at 7.30pm. We'd love to see you and we're sure you'll find something to make your Christmas a little bit special.

Perhaps you would like to join us - we welcome singers of all voices and don't require an audition. Do visit our website for more information.

Gill Mortimer


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