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Tower and Town, December 2023

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When An Elm Became An Oak

Wandering in Savernake one winter some 15 years ago I came upon a beautiful tree. Its bark was 'oakish' but its many branches were 'all wrong' for an oak.

Some ten years earlier, tree researchers, Jack Oliver and the late Joan Davies noted the same tree in their survey of the forest, and for their personal convenience, they had allocated a relevant reference name.

Earlier this year I was privy to Jack and Joan's report to the Forestry Commission and recognised their description of 'my' tree and the location, saying its overall shape was reminiscent of a particular species of elm - but it was an oak. Intrigued, I checked last summer and found it suitably clad in oak leaves. Sadly however sycamore 'weeds' were now hiding our oak, but forester Greg Kerr agreed to take his team of volunteers to 'halo' it, ie. get rid of those saplings. This lovely tree is now clearly visible from Salisbury Road, opposite the turn to Savernake Park Farm.

And the name? The Forestry Commission, reading Jack's handwritten report noted his scribbled 'Elm' associated name, approved it and said it needed a sign; hence we now have the rediscovered Zelkova Oak (but it still awaits its sign).

Peter Noble


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